Congratulations to Qingdao Red Venus on the National Intelle
[ 2019-08-09]
QingdaoHongjinxingPackagingandPrintingCo.,Ltd.pass... 【More】
Congratulations on the 20th Anniversary of Qingdao Red Venus
[ 2019-08-09]
OnMay1,1999,QingdaoHongjinxingPackagingandPrinting... 【More】
Trends of Trade Promotion: Qingdao Trade Promotion Associati
[ 2019-05-17]
Onthemorningofthe22nd,the"Cross-oceanBridge"servic... 【More】
Honesty helps enterprises to take off and focus on promoting
[ 2019-05-17]
YuJuilai,chairmanofLianzhengGroup,presidentofQingd... 【More】
Congratulations, Qingdao red Venus is selected in Qingdao sc
[ 2019-05-17]
Eachdistrict(city,functionalarea)andtheWestCoastNe... 【More】
Red Venus builds 350 kilowatts of photovoltaic power generat
[ 2018-11-13]
Thecorrespondingcountrycallsforenergysavingandemis... 【More】
The company set up a branch in Russia.
[ 2018-11-13]
ThecompanyhassetupabranchinRussiatodealmainlywithp... 【More】
The company expanded its plant 2000m2, and the modern office
[ 2018-11-13]
Thecompanyexpandsitsworkshopto2000m2andbuilds3000m... 【More】